Delivering to our customers the ultimate in fresh goods from around the world: This is the new social value created by our company.
Why do firms affix an expiry date to their products, thus causing them to shoulder the resulting, massive losses? Why are there wholesale markets for foodstuffs? Why are producers unable to regulate their products while in transit (the factor that prompts them to ship goods as soon as possible)? Why are people in developing nations and remote islands unable to enjoy more affluent lifestyles? Why there is no end to starvation?
Our aims are to distribute sufficient food items across the world and realize stable prices by effectively employing our freshness-preservation technology. We hope that customers will support us as we endeavor to create new social value.
Negates concerns over regional and seasonal differences | ![]() | Storage in place of production, stable supplies, stable prices, reasonable distribution, supports local employment, boosts self-sufficiency |
Non-freeze method of preservation, drip-free thawing, decrease in food mileage | ![]() | Cuts instances of food items being discarded due to freezer burn, reduces CO2, enhances quality of foodstuffs |
Safe and consistent supply of fresh goods | ![]() | Prevents food poisoning, cuts losses associated with product degradation, increase manufacturers’ income |

Supporting economies and human health through the effective utilization of global food resources.
Supporting isolated islands, third-world countries and environmental measures, while establishing countermeasures to deal with food-related crises and starvation.