Evertron’s history is synonymous with research into the control of water molecules.

It’s a staggering fact, but research has shown that water molecules change state more than 200 million times each second. If you analyse the degradation of foodstuffs and human illness, you’ll find that the water content levels of the food items and the human body is a common theme. Changing water levels are due to atoms fighting each other for electrons.
Though modern science has yet to exactly explain the true nature of water, or how to control it, evertron has spent the last 38 years trying to control the moisture content in foodstuffs and humans alike, and, via a long and repeated process of trial and error, has finally discovered a safe and reproducible method of controlling the earth’s most abundant liquid. However, this mechanism is not yet clear-cut, and we are still in the midst of research in conjunction with our research institution.
1975/05 | Development commences on a monopole, blockade-type dry transformer and control equipment at a company named Denshi Kogaku |
1981/11 | Development completed on a monopole, blockade-type dry transformer and control equipment |
1981/10 | Development commences on electrode-application method for freshness-maintaining cabinet and fryer |
1989/07 | Development commences on an electrode panel and insulation materials for electrode application |
1996/04 | Development of equipment to curb the degradation of cooking oil via a high-voltage, weak-current application method (patent application Heisei 8-112888) |
1997/04 | Development of equipment for foodstuffs that applies a high-voltage, weak-current application method (patent application Heisei 9-108175) |
1998/12 | Development commences on a container vessel specifically for electrodes |
1999/07 | Development completed of an electric-field application method via the parallel arrangement of earth wires opposed to electrodes |
2000/03 | Development completed of an accessory device using the parallel arrangement of earth wires opposed to electrodes |
2000/11 | High-voltage, weak-current application method using an electrode panel (patent application 2000-334777) (patent application 2000-340301) (patent application 2001-02148) |
2000/12 | Development completed of a method to mount equipment using an applied-voltage method based on the parallel arrangement of earth wires, opposed to electrodes |
2001/01 | Development commences on a freezer to preserve food freshness using a high-voltage, weak-current application method (patent application 2001-004954) |
2001/02 | Development completed of a dedicated electric-field container vessel. Development commences on an electric-field application method using an electrode-synchronization system |
2001/07 | Development commences on completely airtight screening electrodes for an electrode-synchronization system |
2002/02 | Development completed of a method to produce completely airtight screening electrodes for an electrode-synchronization system |
2002/05 | Development of container vessel for keeping goods subject to high-voltage, weak-current application equipment (patent application 2002-138910) |
2002/08 | Development completed of an applied voltage device to be mounted on freezing, thawing, cold storage and frying equipment via electrode-synchronization method |
2002/09 | Development of insular-screening electrodes specifically for electric-field equipment (patent application 2002-264245) |
2003/03 | Development commences on a method for regulating electric fields in dielectric and insular fluids using an electrode synchronization method |
2003/06 | Development of equipment to preserve low temperature for foodstuffs by using high-voltage, weak-current electrode synchronization (patent application 2003-170680) (patent application 2003-178073) |
2003/10 | Completed development of a method for regulating electric fields in dielectric and insular fluids using an electrode synchronization method |
2004/06 | High-voltage, weak-current synchronization electrode-treatment device and its application device developed (PCT/JP04/008774) |
2004/11 | High-voltage, weak-current synchronization electrode-treatment device (plane surface, several electrodes) and electric field-processing method developed (PCT/JP2004/17200) (PCT/JP17201) |
2006/04 | Electric field-processing and heating apparatus, and electric field-processing method developed (PCT/CN2006/000843) |
2010/03 | Electric field-blocking method, 3D power system completed |
2011/06 | Evertron develops hexahedral, automatic electric field-blockade device (patent application 2011-139065) (application for design right 2011-009400) (application for design right 2011-9401) (PCT/CN2007/003954) |
2013/01 | Evertron completes its Dr. Fry frying unit |
2013/02 | vertron completes its Dr. Fry frying unit |
2013/07 | Evertron’s Dr. Fry frying unit goes on sale for the first time |
2013/08 | Evertron’s R&D central research facility established |
2014/06 | Evertron develops a radio wave-processing method by applying its radio wave-generating-device technology to a fryer (PCT/JP2014/066968) |
2014/09 | Merger with sales company Fry Factory Co., Ltd; company changes name to evertron |
2014/12 | Evertron develops radio wave-generating equipment that utilizes vibration technology (patent application 2014-253301) |
2015/01 | Evertron creates a cooking method for fryers that utilizes vibration technology (patent application 2015-004510) |
2017/01 | Head office relocation Minato-ku, Shiba 2-3-25 NIKI Building 7th Floor |
2017/03 | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology announces Everton technology to JOS (Journal of Oleo Science) abroad |
2017/04 | {Dr. fry 2} {Dr. Oil}, {The Soap} Released |
2017/05 | Exhibition at NRA 2017, the largest food and beverage exhibition in the US in Chicago, USA |
2017/05 | Development of food composition control device. (Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-100354) |